Frequently Asked Service Questions

The best way to conserve the value of your vehicle and safe guard that it functions well for years to come is to maintain it properly at regular intervals. However, knowing how to take care of a car can be a challenge for those who are unfamiliar with procedures. We have provided answers to frequently asked questions related to automotive service accordingly.

Our hope is to make maintenance more approachable for customers of North High Auto Service

How often should I change my car’s oil?

Although with progressing technology manufacturers are extending the recommended oil change intervals, we still recommend that you change your oil every 3 months or 3000 miles to keep your engine running properly.

When Should I Replace My Car Battery?

The standard battery is projected to last three to five years, but variables like hot and cold weather can influence its longevity, so it is best to keep an eye out for signs your battery power is declining. If your headlights and dashboard lights are starting to dim or if your vehicle has difficulty starting, these are clues that your vehicle may be due for a battery replacement.

How often should I have my car’s wheels aligned?

Always follow your manufacturers recommendation outlined in your owner’s manual. In general, wheels should be aligned every 10,000 or once a year.

What is the difference between rebuilt and remanufactured?

Rebuilding is the process of restoring a part to its original state before failure. Remanufacturing is the process of replacing all of the components of a part to make it like its new condition.

How Often Should I Check My Vehicle's Fluid Levels?

Aside from engine oil, there are many other fluids that are vital to the health of your vehicle. Some examples include the transmission fluid, brake fluid, engine coolant, and power-steering fluid. Their levels are not only affected by how frequently you drive but extreme temperatures as well. As such, specialists advise checking them at the same time as your oil change or every month or two.

How Much Air Pressure Should I Put into My Tires?

The amount of pressure a tire requires depends on its type and the vehicle. You can find out the optimum air pressure either printed on the door jamb, the side-wall of the tires, or in your owner's manual. Too much pressure can make it difficult for you to maneuver your vehicle while too little pressure can result in a blow-out. You can always speak with a product expert to determine what pressure levels are most appropriate.

For More Answers to Service Questions, Contact North High Auto Service Today.